


Create Compelling Images that Communicate Ideas

As a 摄影与媒体艺术 major at St. 爱德华的, 您将超越创建照片来理解他们在我们高度视觉文化中编码的信息. 

这个概念驱动的学位课程产生了热衷于生成复杂视觉传达的图像制作者. 学习传统模拟, 基于胶片的摄影和暗室打印,因为您建立在数字成像的基础上. 您将精通黑白和彩色静止摄影以及视频/电影叙事. 

你将学习在一个专业的工作室设置工作,并采取选修课程专注于纪实摄影, creative exploration and alternative processes.  你将全面了解摄影的全貌:摄影技术和用途是如何随着时间的推移而变化的, and how you can help shape photography’s future.

Why earn your 摄影与媒体艺术 degree at St. 爱德华的?

Whether you choose to pursue your talent for visual storytelling through commercial, 美术或纪实摄影或视频-有一件事是肯定的:你的St. 爱德华的 education will prepare you to succeed. 你会在课堂内外找到学习、回馈和实现目标的机会. And your mentors will support you every step of the way.  

Build relationships with your professors

在小班授课中学习,由屡获殊荣的教授教授,他们会努力了解你. They’ll help you identify and focus on your goals, 定义和培养你的视觉风格, and provide guidance and insight during your college years and after you graduate.


与有才华和忠诚的教师和同事合作,他们分享你用视觉工具构建想法的热情. 通过图像发展和交流思想的能力,以及对技术变化的反应能力, 科技与社会. 

Boost your résumé with real-world experience

Master your craft and sharpen your portfolio with hands-on experience. Take on a required semester-long internship with a commercial photographer, 媒体组织, 营销公司, 电影制作公司, 博物馆, video gaming studio or other professional setting. 

研究生 ready to hit the ground running

Get support planning for your next steps after graduation. 在专业实践课程中, 你将探索该领域可用的职业选择,并开发和调整你的工作组合,并在课堂上进行审查. 你还将学习职业生涯管理技巧和策略,作为一个成功的创意专业人士.



Austin is one of the fas测试-growing cities in the U.S. and a hub of media arts, film production, video game development and entertainment. 我们在奥斯汀的位置, 伙伴关系和联系让你沉浸在动态的机会,追求实习和职业生涯在视觉艺术. 


摄影与媒体艺术 majors go on to a variety of careers from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子:

  • Fashion designer and Project Runway judge
  • Owner and founder of New York City­­–based retouching studio
  • VICE传媒副制片人
  • Publicity director of Brooklyn-based powerHouse Books, 哪家专营美术, 纪录片, 流行文化, 时尚与名人书籍
  • Art gallery manager at Texas Christian University
  • 富布赖特学者
  • 美术硕士毕业生 
  • 自由野生动物摄影

Explore Details about the BA in 摄影与媒体艺术


The BA in 摄影与媒体艺术 requires 51 hours of major courses, which include a combination of visual studies and photography coursework.

Students complete 6 hours of elective courses in photography, 关注一系列不同的话题. Past topics include: Installation Strategies, 纪实摄影, 数字暗房, Alternative Processes and Photographic Book Design.

这个学位需要42学生除了主修课程和选修课外,还要在四年内完成57小时的通识教育课程. 除了专业和通识教育课程外,还有充足的机会辅修其他领域.

浏览及下载 full degree plan for the 摄影与媒体艺术 (PDF)主要.

A few examples of courses students in this major take:          

  • 中级数码成像: 学生在学习和使用全景图像等技术时建立视觉解决方案, 大规模合成图像打印, image post-production and handmade books.
  • 大相机 – This course in black-and-white photography focuses on the use of the view camera, 视景相机光学, metering techniques and basic Zone System techniques.
  • 工作室和外景项目 – This course introduces students to the professional use of the studio, studio lighting and studio production techniques.
  • Video 本课程介绍视频制作的理论和技术方面,重点是媒体的美学和交流潜力.

For more details and course descriptions, view and download the 本科课程简报(PDF).


Upon completing the 摄影与媒体艺术 program, you’ll be ready to …

  • 在掌握当代数字成像技术的同时,培养你的思考和创造能力.
  • 拍摄和处理黑白胶片.
  • Gain experience in the creation of video/film narratives.
  • 制作银色的明胶照片.
  • Break new ground with contemporary digital technologies.
  • Think outside of the box through electives like 纪实摄影, Photographic Book Design and other approaches to the media arts.  
  • Photograph and perform professional quality, post-production techniques and DAM (digital asset management) of your work. 


每个摄影和媒体艺术专业的学生都要完成一个学期的实习课程. Students have worked with professional commercial photographers, 媒体制作公司, 国家网络附属电视台, 奥斯汀历史中心, 还是纪录片制片人. 他们还在知名展览场所实习,包括专门从事女性艺术家和拉丁裔/土著有色人种艺术家作品的展览场所. Internships are conducted both locally and outside of Austin.



摄影和媒体艺术专业的学生学习领先的数字成像实践,学习传统的暗房和(模拟)胶片相机技术. 美国各地有许多摄影课程.S. have scaled back or eliminated their wet process facilities. St. 爱德华学院拥有一个设备齐全的摄影实验室,允许学生打印35mm到4x5英寸的胶片. Students also gain experience in the creation of video/film narratives. 


除了数字捕捉/扫描和大幅面打印设备,你应该期待在任何顶级大学课程, we provide darkroom facilities for film processing, 印刷和替代工艺. Large-format cameras and lenses; studio and location strobe equipment; portable flashes, 三脚, and light meters; and other equipment are available for students to check out at no charge. 

Studio and location skills are also taught in our professional studio facility. 数字工作在Visu打印实验室完成,该实验室配备了专门用于视觉研究部门的扫描仪和大幅面打印机.


视觉研究系美术画廊是一个教学空间,以校外的展览和在校学生的展览为特色. 绘画, 版画, 安装, video, 雕塑, 陶瓷, 设计和摄影展出, 取决于赛季的日程安排. 

Courses can support any other academic program, 欢迎其他专业的学生辅修摄影和媒体艺术. In addition, several courses may be taken as electives by non-majors.


  • 视觉研究I
  • 模拟摄影I
  • 风格 & 主题(主题因学期而异)
  • 中级数字成像
  • 摄影史



In addition, students select three elective courses in the major. Courses students can choose from include:

  • 风格 and Themes (repeatable when topics vary)
  • 工作室和外景项目
  • 摄影与媒体艺术主题

Along with personal attention and mentorship from their professors, 我们的学生可以进入办公室和课堂外的项目,支持他们的成功. 我们鼓励学生利用这些资源,帮助他们茁壮成长和超越: Learn more about our student support services.


西比尔米勒, MA, Professor of 摄影与媒体艺术
西比尔·米勒在研究驱动的创造性工作和对跨学科实践的热爱方面为她的摄影工作和教学带来了广泛的背景. She is also committed to animal welfare issues, especially those affecting thoroughbred ex-racehorses, 她拥有两个. 米勒作品的基础是对摄影社会文献和美国文化短暂残余的长期兴趣. 从1995年到2004年, 她完成了一系列在州议会大厦拍摄的照片,名为“政治家——50个州议会大厦的照片”,在那里,她拍摄并重新解读了50个州的前州长的肖像, 建立个人的管理大厅, 一群推销员, 日场的偶像和傻瓜, 以及受人尊敬的普通人. 她最近的作品包括音频/视频装置“放下你的Bandoliers”,” and two in-progress short 纪录片 film projects.

约瑟夫Vitone, MFA, Professor of 摄影与媒体艺术
Joe Vitone is a 纪录片 fine art photographer and educator. Vitone teaches traditional as well as digital photography and electronic media. In 2001 he was a senior Fulbright scholar in Costa Rica. 他曾在中国、法国、日本、马来西亚、泰国和越南举办摄影讲座. 参与国际教育, he has led American students on study programs in China, 法国, 日本, 和泰国. 他的作品被广泛展出,并在包括克利夫兰艺术博物馆在内的众多收藏中展出, 创意摄影中心, 美术博物馆, 休斯顿, and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History.