


在圣. 爱德华的,我们努力为您提供所需的指导和帮助. 你会和一个St. 爱德华的 financial services advisor who will work with you throughout your time at St. 爱德华的——回答问题并告知你付款计划的选择. 


1. 申请入读圣. 爱德华的

如果你在申请入学前对经济援助有疑问, 请联系学生金融服务512-448-8523.

2. 完成FAFSA

上网去美国.S. 教育署 完成你的FAFSA. 的 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) asks questions about a family's income and assets to determine an 预期家庭贡献,或EFC. 一定要列出St. 爱德华的联邦学校代码,003621,在学校发布部分.

您将收到一封来自教育部的电子邮件. (如果你在48小时内没有收到回复, 联系联邦学生援助信息中心800-433-3243.) St. 爱德华应该会在一周内收到你的FAFSA成绩. In our student portal, myHilltop, you can track when we receive your FAFSA information. 

3. 获奖通知

在你被录取并提供了所有必需的文件之后, 你会收到一封经济援助录取邮件. 你会考虑并接受援助, 并完成任何额外的要求,以确保你的援助提供在我的山顶.


了解更多关于 校外奖学金机会 (St. 爱德华的) 

St. 爱德华大学不为研究生项目提供奖学金. 但是,外部奖学金也可以通过其他组织获得. 


如果你是一名美国退伍军人.S. 武装部队,你可能有资格使用你的VA教育福利St. 爱德华的. (由于我们是私立大学,所以不能使用黑兹伍德福利.)我们 退伍军人事务 office can help determine your eligibility and answer any questions you might have and can be reached at 512-492-3193 or dnoll@wflapo.com.


当你提交 免费申请联邦学生资助或FAFSA,你将自动被考虑这些经济援助选择.



所有合资格的学生均可透过 U.S. 教育部直接贷款计划,专为大学生设计. This low-interest loan program allows you to defer payments while you are enrolled in a degree/certificate program for at least six credit hours, with repayment beginning six months after you graduate or drop below half-time enrollment status. 学生必须保持良好的学术成绩,GPA不低于3分.每学年顺利完成75%的课程.

注意:如果你接受这些贷款之一, you must complete a Federal Direct Loan Promissory Note and complete a debt management session in addition to filing a FAFSA.


St. 爱德华银行还保留了一些可供选择的贷款项目的信息. Repayment of most of these loans can be deferred while you are enrolled at least part-time. 另外,你不需要填写像FAFSA那样的需求分析表格. 你只需要通过标准的信用检查,或者在你的贷款上有一个共同签署人.


Many of our graduate students use educational loans to help finance the cost of their education in lieu of higher interest credit cards or short term payment plans.  的 联邦直接无补贴学生贷款 特别是, 提供简单的资格标准, 在注册期间延迟付款, 延长还款期限, 灵活的还款选择, 和低, 固定利率.


教育部提供了一个 联邦直接学生贷款 供攻读学位的研究生使用. 这种非信用贷款的特点是利率低, 固定利率, as well as deferment of payment during periods of at least half-time enrollment (6 credit hours). 提交 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) is required to certify a student's eligibility to participate in this program.


*This amount is pro-rated for students attending just a single semester during an academic year.


As of May 2024 the Treasury Department held a 10-year Treasury note auction that resulted the below  利率 for Direct Subsidized 贷款, 直接无补贴贷款, 7月1日或之后首次发放的直接PLUS贷款, 2024年及7月1日之前, 2025.

研究生和专业学生直接无补贴贷款  8.083%

了解利息是如何计算的 什么费用与你的联邦学生贷款有关.


教育部也提供了一个额外的 毕业生信用贷款机会 students which allows them to borrow up to their full 出勤费用 minus other aid. Payment typically begins 30 to 60 days after full disbursement of the loan funds to the university, although deferment provisions are available for students enrolled at least half-time in a degree seeking program.


As of May 2024 the Treasury Department held a 10-year Treasury note auction that resulted the below  利率 for Direct Subsidized 贷款, 直接无补贴贷款, 7月1日或之后首次发放的直接PLUS贷款, 2024年及7月1日之前, 2025.

联邦直接毕业生加贷款利率  9.083%

Submission of a FAFSA as well as completion of an entrance loan counseling session are required as part of the application process. 了解更多信息 联邦学生资助.


$138,研究生或专业学生500美元-不超过65美元,其中500元可作为补贴贷款. 的 graduate aggregate limit includes all federal loans received for undergraduate study.


接受联邦学生贷款的学生需要填写 入学咨询.  Entrance counseling ensures you understand the terms and conditions of your loan and your rights and responsibilities. 你会学到什么是贷款, 兴趣是如何产生的, 你的还款选择, 以及如何避免拖欠和违约.


申请联邦贷款的学生必须填写 出口咨询 当你离开学校或中途辍学时. 的 purpose of 出口咨询 is to ensure you understand your student loan obligations and are prepared for repayment

学习更多关于付款的知识, 改变还款计划, 探索选项, 向教育部寻求帮助 学生资助网站. 


如果电子邮件, 电话, and text messages you’re receiving about student loan forgiveness are setting off your scam sensor, 我们会帮你的. 了解更多关于 the most common student loan forgiveness scams and how to avoid them. 访问 联邦学生资助.


Remember that 利率 and fees are generally lower for federal student loans than private student loans.

St. 爱德华的, in conjunction with Elm Resources, maintains information on a number of 另类贷款计划 通过私人银行和贷款集团提供

因为这些是非联邦贷款, 每家贷款机构都有自己的资格标准, 利率, 处理费用, 以及还款条款.  一般, 学生必须达到相当高的学分标准才能获得资格, 因此,许多学生将需要一个信誉良好的共同签署人,以符合资格.  如果得到批准, students can typically borrow up to their full 出勤费用 minus any other aid the student is receiving for the period of attendance set to be covered by the loan.  Students will receive a finalized disclosure statement after their master promissory note has been signed confirming the terms and conditions of their loan from the lender.

借贷真理法 Under the Federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA), the lender must provide the following documents:

  • 私教贷款申请人自我证明表格: Students must complete this form and return it to the lender before receiving their first disbursement of loan funds.
  • 联邦直接贷款披露声明和取消权 在学生签了本票之后, the Federal Direct Loan Disclosure Statement confirms the terms and conditions of the loan. At the time that this disclosure is delivered, the right-to-cancel period begins. During this period of three to six days, the student may cancel the loan by contacting the lender. 的 lender cannot release the first disbursement of the loan funds until the end of the right-to-cancel period.

由于信用审查的要求, Student Financial Services cannot guarantee that all students who apply will qualify for loan funds.  审批由贷款人决定. 

Please note that a lender's inclusion in this list is not meant as an endorsement by the university, 这也不是为了限制你选择私人教育贷款.  这些特定的贷款机构被列入名单是因为:

  • 他们有可靠的客户服务记录;
  • they offer competitive 利率 以及还款条款; and
  • they utilize electronic processing compatible with the university’s financial aid management system ensuring consistent and timely delivery of loan funds. 

然而, the Office of Student Financial Services will certify an application for any private education loan regardless of whether the lender appears on this list or not.

一旦你决定了贷款人, please contact your Student Financial Services Advisor for information you'll need to provide as part of your application for the loan, 包括贷款期限, 出勤费用, 以及其他援助的总额.

St. 365比分网电竞 does not receive any form of payment or renumeration from lenders in exchange for inclusion on this list.